| In getting ready to celebrate our Special day we both think of the family members who will not be with us to celebrate. We wish to dedicate this page to their memory and our love for them. Though they will not be physically with us we know that they are watching over us in spirit. Much love to all family and friends.  |  | Momma, I miss you the most and know you can see me. You changed my life when you told me the only thing you would have evered changed is being honest with everyone I share my life with since your passing I live an honest life and realtionship. I could have never found true happiness . Happiness come from loving of self and you showed me that and I am whole, full of worth, I can be me, be honest and and then I find those that love me for who I am - the real me. You always supported me in my many adventures, taught me to be strong, let no one hold me back, Partner with strong people that can keep up with me and challenge me.
Momma, You have shown me by example how to love, keep a family together, the infinity of a mothers love, you would have loved and respected the mother TJ is. I know you have been, will be watching. I look foward to showing your strength as we build our family.
 |  | Daddy, Provider and Proctector, you drilled into me that I am to provide and protect and that I am to find only those that I can build a strong legacy with.
I love the stability you provided our family with and I hope to find the balance in my family that you and mom shown me to be important.
You taught me no to bluff, to make my world mean something, I dont back down and your legacy lives on in our whole family.
 |  | Crazy, happy, mean and loving Sister. I can only imagine you at our Wedding. When we kiss - I can hear you giggle and say " Shew- nasty" You never understood but you never had to , you just loved you lil sister. Well off & on the best you could cuase you crazy. But I likes a fun roller coaster. You were the strongest of us all. |
 |  | My Brother, so many thoughts and emotions come up when I think of you. It has many years since you have been here with me. But i know that you have never left me. You were an amazing guy that so many have missed out on by not knowing you. You had the most caring heart and watching you grow sicker broke mine. I never understood how someone so caring would be made to suffer so much. 28 years later I still dont know that answer.
What i do know is I was blessed to have you and call you my brother. We had an amazing childhood from growing up at the beach to big family Christmas at Mamaw Jarvis house. We fought like most siblings but dont let no body else mess with my brother cause they got beat down.
You had a voice the Angels loved to hear sing and play your piano. You fought with all you had in you to stay with your family. The love you left with me has lived on and will conitnue too.
 | You were many things to many people, beloved wife, mother sister, aunt but to me you were Mamaw. You loved your family beyond measure and with true unconditonal love. From you i learned many things over the years. My love for cooking and feeding my family. Most importantly, you taught me Unconditioanl love for my Boys. You loved each and everyone of your childern, grand-children and great-grand-children with that love. No matter what we did or what trouble we got into it did not matter to you, your love for us never changed only growed. Not to say you didnt scold us for getting into creek when were told not too, or for one of the grandchildren setting roman candle off in the kitchen or stealing your cigarettes. Cause we grew up knowing what a hickory switch was and that we best get the right one the first time.
So many wonderful memories, as I grew older you became the person I shared things with. You were the one I trusted the most with my thoughts.
When you got sick, It was so devistating. The time we had left with you became so precious. Every moment, every second we could spend with you we did. I remember the talks we had. The one thing that bothered me is that you felt like you had nothing to leave us, but Like I told you then is still true today, You gave me something NO One can take away, Your Unconditional LOVE. That will always be in my heart, in everyone one of your grand kids hearts, because of your love we can all show and give love today.
 | My Uncles!
I had the 2 most unbelievable Uncles. Now depending on which one you asked My Uncle Danny would say he was my favorite Unlce. But the truth be known they Both were. Even though they were both Jarvis Boys they were different and I love them both for the different men they were. Both went in the military when they were young and both became very hard working men that worked in construction.
My Uncle Danny was my big Teddy Bear and who showed my love of electrical. No matter what was going on, Uncle Danny was the one that knew when you need a big hug. His hugs made the world feel better. He had a big heart!
My Uncle Ronnie was one of kind. He was always the one outside playing with the kids. He was a big kid himself. Many would say he never grew up but he just saw things different. He loved with everthing in him.
Uncle Ronnie was the one that made sure I knew that he loved me just way I was that he didnt agree with other people. He didnt care who I was with or who I loved, his love for me never changed. He welcomed everyone to his home. I was blessed that Pam was able to meet him before we loss him. He was a remarkable man.