| Our friendship that first year blossomed, and by year’s end we began our long distance dating. I shared my favorite SoCal sites, including the beach, galleries, and Pageant of the Masters of Laguna and wineries in Temecula. I had so much fun with Jade, a nickname I dubbed her for her sparkling green eyes, within our group of friends here that included FOUR other Karens! Jade was appreciated by all my clan, especially the families of my kids, Sean and Erika. In fact, early on the youngest grandson pronounced her to be “Nana” also. Our friends with whom we played easily embraced Jade. Her intelligence, passion for others, and ready smile were endearing.
On northern CA dates Jade shared skiing at Tahoe and wine tasting in Napa with me, and of course, “The City” where she was to proverbially leave her heart. It was all a matter of time that first, she’d join me in the city of Orange, and later that we’d move to the Bay Area…coming soon. |