|  | For all the information about our wedding weekend, please visit our wedding website at www.BeckhamMcCuskerWedding.com. There you will find directions to the wedding and the reception as well as information about parking at both locations. There is also an RSVP page so that you many reply for any or all of the events at once and indicate your meal and parking preferences.
Our out-of-town guests will find information on our website about local accommodations and a link to a special website where you may make reservations for a hotel room at a special discounted rate. You will also find information about special events we have planned for you out-of-towners.
Pictures of our venues and links to their websites are included on our site if you care to learn more about them. You can leave us messages, ask us questions, give us your opinions in our poll, test your knowledge in our quiz, or join our mailing list. So please visit the site and return often for updates! |  | Having been on this earth for quite a while, and having found each other, we have everything we could ever need or want. And while your attendance on our special day is gift enough, if you so choose, you may select a gift to add to our honeymoon trip. Just click the "OUR REGISTRY" link above to see how you may make our honeymoon an unforgettable adventure! |  | Our wedding ceremony will take place at the beautiful and quaint Hill Chapel in our new home town of New Market, MD, on Saturday, October 25, 2014, at 2:00 in the afternoon. We chose this beautiful old chapel for its location and its spectacular stained glass windows! Please go to www.TheHillChapel.com to find out more about this historic location!
A trio of chamber musicians from Frederick Strings, consisting of a flute, a violin, and a cello, will provide music before and during our wedding. The trio will play some of our favorite classical works so be sure to arrive early to her the beautiful sounds of these instruments. You may find more information at www.fredstrings.com where you may also hear some excerpts! |  | Our wedding reception will be held at the lovely Holly Hills Country Club near our home. The festivities will begin at 3:00 with an open bar and hors d'oeuvres. Dinner will be served at 4:00 and will feature soup, salad, and one of three delicious entrees prepared by the Holly Hills Chef. Our guests will have their choice of Grilled Salmon, Chicken Asiago, or Veal Marsala. Please be sure to indicate each person's preference when responding to our invitation. Dinner will be followed by dancing, dessert, and general merriment! Please go to www.HollyHillsGolf.com for photos and more information about this stunning venue! |